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Registration going on NOW!

Nursery School Program

Fall 2024-2025

3-Year Olds

East End Kids Academy offers a learning experience that will engage and nurture the whole child; to inspire a balanced growth of heart, mind, body, and spirit. The children are given opportunities that are engaging and challenging but not frustrating, with plenty of learning through enriched play. Our teachers use many approaches to guide and speed their learning.


Program Requirement: *Date of Birth December 2021 thru November 2022

                                             *Eligible to attend Kindergarten September 2027


Program Hours: 8:45am. – 12:45pm. (Before and/or aftercare available 6:30 am - 6:30 pm)


The following is a brief description of the different activities the children would be involved in during the program.  


Enriched Free Play

(In their Classroom)

During Enriched Free Play your child will visit various centers in the classroom that will feature activities that will go along with their theme.  Each theme lasts for two weeks. The classroom centers are: Dramatic Play; Nature/Science; Math/Number/Reasoning; Writing/Art; Library. The children are taught to CHOOSE, USE & CLEAN UP in each center they visit. Enriched free play is so valuable in the nursery curriculum because, while the teacher can use direct instructions with one or a few children, the others do not have to wait – they can keep learning through discovery, imitation, and their peer interactions.


Building/Discovery Room

(In their Classroom)

This time will feature different building materials which include wooden blocks of different sizes and shapes; Lincoln Logs; roads, train tracks & tunnels. The children will also have discovery tables to explore in. A table may feature the letter of the week. Another table may feature the color of the month and/or feature seasonal items. The tables will allow the children to master their fine motor skills using measuring cups, spoons, funnels, tongs, sifters and more. There will be a quiet area the children can sit and “read” books or use the flannel graph board that highlights the letter of the week. Throughout the year, the puppet theater will pop up giving the children an opportunity to express themselves with puppets.


Gross Motor Skills Activity (Gym)

(In The Gym)

The children will start with music to “warm up” and may use scarves, ribbons, hoops or balls to move with. They will then play a game that revolves around the letter of the week, the number, the color and/or the shape of the month. The gym games may also involve the season or holiday. The activities may include jumping, hopping, skipping or running – all important to enhance their gross motor skills.


Outside Play

(Outside Playground)

The children will go outside to play everyday that weather permits. We ask that you send your child to school with the appropriate attire. We will not go outside if it is raining, snowing, ice on the ground, and if it is too cold or too hot. When the children cannot go outside, they will free play in their classroom.



(In Their Classroom)

The children learn to always wash their hands after going to the bathroom and before eating. The children are able to go to the bathroom anytime during the day. To avoid bathroom accidents, we set aside a time to try to use the potty. Your child does not have to be potty trained in order to attend nursery school. We will join you in the process of learning and celebrate with you when your child is able to use the potty when needed. Snacks & drinks are provided from home. We encourage healthy snacks and teach the children the importance of eating healthy to grow strong. The children learn to open up their snack, clean up after themselves and put their lunch boxes away when they are finished eating. They are also learning to use their table manners when eating with their friends.



(In Their Classroom)

Lunch is provided from home. The teacher will make sure that the main part of lunch is eaten before the children move on to any snacks that you may have sent for them. The teacher will also make sure that hands are washed before they sit to eat. When the children are finished with their lunch they must ask to be excused and then they will clean up after themselves. 


AM Whole Group Time/ PM Whole Group Time

(In Their Classroom)

In the beginning of the morning and at the end of their nursery experience, the children will gather together as a group and have the opportunity to learn songs and chants that are about the calendar, the weather, holidays, seasons, letters, numbers or shapes. It is a time that allows the teacher and children to discuss “The News of the Day”, and engage in activities related to the theme and to sing hello or goodbye to each child and share story time together.

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